Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Leture Five: Time Based Art/Multimedia/New Media

Time based art can be defined as artists who crossed boundaries. It can include Film, video, and photograph. Artists such as Andy Goldsworthy(scupltor, photographer and enviromentalist), Edward Mubridge(motion image capture) and Marcel DuChamp (nnude walking down the stairs) all broke down barries with their art work.

Street art is art that has been created anomonously usually using spray paint or placed upon billboards or buildings. Such artists as Barbara Kruger (criticism of sexism and the circulation of power within cultures), the Geurilla Girls , and Kieth Harring all front the billboard liberation idea. But by far the most the most outstanding political artist is Banksy, a graffitti artist, who has managed to keep his identity secret for years, and whos work can be found all over the uk.

Other forms of spreading a political message is through books, spraypaint, chalk, fly posting, and t-shirt give away.

Post Modernism
The most modernism era was all about art trying to appeal to a wider audience, about making it more accessible to everyone, not just the art world. The idea behind it was for it to be more about the art than the artist, leaving the work open to social interpretation. Creating the clashing idea of art VS popular culture. An example of postmodern art is Margot Lovejoy, she is commited to engage her audience in direct interactive experience through her installations, websites, and bookworks.

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